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Davenport 4:44 Wed Jul 22
Re: George Moncur
The George Moncur who was out on the piss all Xmas and New Year not at all expecting a call up for the cup game?


Russ of the BML 4:44 Wed Jul 22
Re: George Moncur
Fuck me.

Blessed by God Almighty and all the big man can muster up for him is a winner in a pre-season friendly at Colchester.

My old man always said that god malarky is over-rated.

Russ of the BML 4:46 Wed Jul 22
Re: George Moncur
HairySpotter 4:27 Wed Jul 22

Moncur was a decent top level pro. He could definitely play.

His problem was that he was too interested in being a comedian or the panto villain. Towards the end he actually became a parody of himself.

Roeder-nowhere 8:12 Wed Jul 22
Re: George Moncur
Its that fella Llegit that we let go that puzzles me. Did they just take a punt cos he was a yank and cheap (unlikely as they pay good money to tried and trusted Prem players) or did they realise they had a real player that we somehow missed?
I know its a pish league over there but he is doing more than alright.

franksfat&slow&wank 8:21 Wed Jul 22
Re: George Moncur
He's only doing ok in league one to date .. Time will tell

Hugh Monteith 8:55 Wed Jul 22
Re: George MONCUR
Excellent player who se Dad. kept
him from regressing like our other talented youth players did because of samslack of ideas and interest.

Hugh Monteith 8:56 Wed Jul 22
Re: George MONCUR
Excellent player who se Dad. kept
him from regressing like our other talented youth players did because of samslack of ideas and interest.

Son of Anarchy 12:03 Thu Jul 23
Re: George Moncur
chavy looking god botherer who is crap...yes we should've kept him.

diehardhammer 2:51 Thu Jul 23
Re: George Moncur
Blocked by him as well for saying he wears so much fake tan and make up he looks like a poof. God doesn't like poofs according to the bible

scott_d 2:57 Thu Jul 23
Re: George Moncur
bloody hell, maybe Frank Lampard was right?

The level of abuse being flung at the lad, including personal insults to his twitter account, make us look like a right bunch of cunts. He only scored a pre-season goal and gloated a bit about it. Nothing to get too upset about.

Pagey 3:00 Thu Jul 23
Re: George Moncur
We did the right thing in letting him go as he wasn't good enough.

Sometimes they get the kick up the arse they need and knuckle down, improve and make the Premier League again but he wasn't going to do that with us.

ironsofcanada 3:03 Thu Jul 23
Re: George Moncur
So a young player acts a bit immature on social media. Posters on here proud because they took the immaturity to the next level.

Nothing to see here.

Dudley Moore 3:19 Thu Jul 23
Re: George MONCUR
His dad was on BBC London the other night commentating on the home game. I've never heard him speak before. I couldn't get over how cockney he was! Hard to fathom how a voice like that can come out of someone that looks like him.

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